Friday, September 22, 2006

New small Stainless

Here is a pic of some new small stainless sculptures I just finished. I ran my stainless gas dry finishing these so I son't expect any new stainless piecs for a awhile. Stainless is beautiful but I hate working with it. Everything takes twice as long and It really puts a strain on the tools and myself.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

New Sculptures

Oops... I forgot to add the new sculptures. They are all in progress but I find it intresting to view them in this state.

New and Old sculptures

Here are a few sculpture that I recently installed around the yard. The big stainless one is called 9 over 8 and I modified it from it's original concept. I cut about 5 feet of height off of it. I think it's much better in it's current form. This has also been a really hard sculpture to place but where it's currently places is perfect. It really stands out against the dark woods...Nice!